Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Ofe and David's Wedding

I think it would have been hard to top the last few weeks experiences of cycling the laguna route and climbing Sajama and in fact, the way things have worked out, it looks like they will mark the end of this part of the trip! At least it ended on a real high, and what better way to mark the ending than with the beautiful wedding celebration of good friends!

After returning to La Paz and spending a few days recovering and enjoying the city Carl returned to Potosi to continue his cycle where he had left off, and I needed to get to Lima, where our good friends David and Ofelia were to get married!

Ja had been able to take a few days off from his new job, and I found a bus that went direct from Lima to La Paz (in only 36 hours!) and so we were both extremely honored to have the opportunity to share their big day with them. Ofelia looked stunning, the venue and weather were perfect, and apart from Ja and I partaking in one too many Pisco sours and having to duck out before the Karaoke began (a blessing for all involved, of course) it was a really perfect day! 

For me, putting on a dress for the first time in a year (albeit an old one Ja managed to find for me from our boxes of stuff) and wearing something other than cycling and walking gear really was the icing on the cake! (Even if it also involved the first public outing of 'the hair', which even after 6 months growth is still alarmingly similar to certain 1980's male pop stars...) 

Ja and I spent a week in Lima, being proper tourists and relaxing with friends, and it was very sad when DT had to go back to Spain and Ja return to London.

In the meantime Sarah (in spite of all her convictions that she would never manage to finish her course) found out that she had achieved a first class honours in her nursing degree from KCL, and we decided that to celebrate we would spend the last month of my trip backpacking around Peru together.

And so, after slightly more than 9000 km in a little over 10 months I have finally (and with a great deal of sadness at the ending of an amazing adventure) swapped my panniers for a backpack, bought a pair of Jeans, and hung up my cycling shorts for the last time!

Backpacking here we come!!!!

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